Blepharitis FAQs

At Dr. C Vision Care in Pensacola, we treat several eye conditions, including blepharitis. We often receive many questions from our patients about managing this condition. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about blepharitis that we encounter.

What is Blepharitis?

Blepharitis is a common eye condition that causes inflammation of the eyelids. It can occur in both eyes and is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as itching, burning, and redness. It can also lead to the formation of crusts or bulges around the eyelashes.

What are the symptoms of Blepharitis?

Common symptoms of blepharitis include:

- Watery eyes

- Swollen eyelids

- Burning sensation in the eyes

- Greasy eyelids

- Sensitivity to light

- Excessive blinking

- Flaky skin around the eyes

- Crusted eyelids

Since many eye conditions share similar symptoms, it's best to consult us as soon as you notice anything out of the ordinary.

How do you get it?

Blepharitis occurs when the oil glands near the eyelashes become clogged and cannot drain properly. When the glands are unable to drain, it causes irritation in the eyes and swelling of the eyelids. Other underlying conditions can also contribute to the development of blepharitis. An eye doctor from our team can diagnose blepharitis after conducting an examination. Other causes of blepharitis include bacterial infections, specific allergic reactions to makeup or medications, dandruff, and lice.

How do you treat blepharitis?

Fortunately, blepharitis is highly treatable and does not cause permanent damage to your vision. It is also not contagious, but it should be treated promptly to prevent the symptoms from worsening. We may recommend warm compresses on the affected area to aid in drainage. Other treatment options include antibiotics, steroids, and addressing any underlying conditions that may be causing blepharitis.

When should I contact a doctor?

Always monitor your symptoms closely. If they worsen, contact a doctor from our team immediately. In most cases, blepharitis will clear up within a few days by maintaining good hygiene and keeping your face and eyes clean. However, scheduling an appointment with us in the early stages can help speed up the healing process.

Contact Dr. C Vision Care for Blepharitis Care

Blepharitis can be an uncomfortable and persistent eye condition. At Dr. C Vision Care, our team has successfully treated numerous cases of blepharitis with precision and care. To learn more about blepharitis and its treatment, contact our office today at (850) 456-2019 to book an eye exam with an optometrist.



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